Services Unternehmensverkauf Company Acquisition Projekte Über uns Kontakt

The Basic Aircraft for pilot training


Some current opportunities:

Clean air generator manufacturer in Germany - for sale

Company is manufacturing generators for clean air applications, various types, based on cold plasma technology. To be usd in ventilation systems for ex. for hopital, in dusty industrial environments, as City Cleans for streets and tunnels. Germs, dust and pollutants are killed or neutralized. Interested parties can acquire the whole company or the technology for their country/region.

Aircraft company or know how available

Manufacturer of a primary aircraft trainer for ab-initio training of pilots, two-seater, piston engine, very modern, Germany based technology, seeks investor or buyer. or more information please see page Trainer aircraft.

Real estate in Germany - for sale

A variety of hotels, office complexes, other commercial buildings and exclusive houses in Germany are for sale. For more information please see page Real estate

Waste-to-Energy projects - investor/s wanted

A German waste experts group with engineering know-how and latest waste-logistics concepts has won already government customers in several countries in different continents who like to build wte-incineration plants. For these projects we seek investors, please read here for more information:
Waste to Energy

 Training & skilling company in India

Company is one of the larger providers of training courses, it offers pre-job  skills mainly in IT Software, Infrastructure Management Services (IT IMS) in more than 40 training centers all over India. Revenues of approx. 8 million EUR. One shareholder is seeking sell-out, majority acquisition is possible.

Search in Germany & Europe: Automation

We seek small or medium companies in automation, especially grinding and polishing, also in handling, palletizing. In addition, most high tech products are of interest for several strategic investors.

Search in Germany & Europe: aerospace & defense

Various companies in India seek know-how / Joint Venture partners to become a supplier t the strongly growing Indian aerospace sector. All kind of parts are on the wish-lists, up to composites and (parts for) landing gears.



We have worked already for companies from many different sectors. Especially, we understand technology based products and services, be it technical products for endusers, or industrial goods like semi-finished products, components and parts (automotice and other sectors), software, pharmaceutical ingredients, etc.

In such sectors, we have decades of practical experience. This expertise includes a deep understanding of market applications of technical products, business models and market strategies.

Past projects / Clients:

For reasons of confidentiality, we cannot disclose the names of the companies.

Robotics based automation company Germany/ China

Company is an established provider of  innovative automation solutions in Germany for assembly processes and plastic processsing, for example.  We advised in a sell-project and identified a majority buyer & cooperation partner in China. 2017/18

Chinese LED-Joint Venture in Germany

We have identfied and won a Chinese LED-manufacturer as supplier and investor for a German manufacturer, developer and wholesaler of LEDs to form a German-Chinese Joint Venture. 2017/18


Advisors to an American supplier of security systems and access control about buying options in European countries (Germany, France, UK, Austria, Netherlands).

- Sell: Supplier of semi-finished plastic products with subsidiaries in two countries: European Market Study, Advisory for selling two subsidiaries, which got acquired by corporates from Scandinavia.

- Market analysis and competitors research, describing the complete relevant sector in India for an European leader in building materials. Emphasis was on distributorship, raw material supplies and sourcing possibilities, and pricing. Developing the Entry Strategy in the second project.

- Advisory for a European company in the field of cold rolled profiles for automotive applications: German market analysis and detailed market study about buying options in the automotive profiles segment (for ex. for door frames), evaluation and ranking, ...

- Advisor and service provider to an Indian company for a complete setting up the local German pvt. ltd. company, including all legal and taxation formalities, plus infrastructure and staff

- Advisors to an Indian automotive supplier about expanding into New Business  in the engine field involving the acquisition of a German technology company.


.......and many others.

Kindly contact us if you like to know more about our advisory services. You can contact us easily by email:

info (at)

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